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Glimpses of God at the Magic Nutshell Bookshop

The Glimpses of God collection at The Magic Nutshell Bookshop is where I list texts of spiritual profundity, with words that can stop your heart and shiver your bones. 

This is a shelf for spiritually mature readers only. Some of these volumes are sweet and solemn, while others gush with sensuality and an earth-shattering humor that dares to split open the bleakest subjects with the profoundly human response of laughter. My personal belief is that if there is a deity which created humans in its image, it cannot possibly be uptight about comedy or sex. Or colonialism. Or religious abuse. Or any topic that makes Ron DeSantis clench his butt pearls.

Whenever you feel a heaviness in your heart, try one of these literary remedies of effervescence and powerful light. As a karmic bonus, every purchase supports a local, independent neighborhood bookstore.
